The Taurus Cloud Complex and the PleIAdes
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Image Details:
This area of sky covers some of the Taurus constellation, including the well-known 7 Sisters seen in the upper right. However throughout much of the nearby areas of sky are numerous Dark Nebula which collectively make up the Taurus Cloud Complex. Even the Pleiades is not native to this area and the cluster of stars which makes it up is simply passing through this dusty area of space.
2x Rokinon 135mm f/2 at f/2.8
2x Canon EOS RP
Celestron CGEM-II (Hypertuned)
257 x 180” at ISO 400 (12h 50m total)
Capture Software: N.I.N.A.
Processing Software: PixInsight
Taken from: Kenton, OK, Bortle 1
Capture Dates: 2-4 October, 2024