Sharpless 205
Image Details:
This is my first released image of the system I have set up at Starfront Observatories, a remote-hosting facility in Central Texas. The telescope now exists under Bortle 1 skies under automated roofs, allowing me to connect and target the night sky remotely. This object was simply a slightly somewhat bright spot on a Deep Sky Survey (DSS-Red) so I wanted to see what I could get. The lack of nearby light pollution makes capture of even extremely dim objects exponentially easier to capture compared to city-lit areas, as demonstrated by the dim interstellar dust surrounding the red-pink of the emission nebula at the center.
TS Optics 86mm Petzval (460mm Focal Length F/5.4)
ZWO ASI6200MM-P, Antlia Filters
Astrophysics Mach2GTO Mount
Autoguiding: Orion 50mm Guidescope + ZWO ASI178MM
Red, Green, Blue: 152, 146, 155 x 300” (Total: 37h 45m)
Hydrogen-Alpha 3nm: 114 x 600” (Total: 19h)
Oxygen-III 3nm: 136 x 600” (Total: 22h 40m)
Hydrogen-Beta 8.5nm: 125 x 600” (Total: 20h 50m)
Misc Details:
Capture Software: N.I.N.A., PHD2 (guiding)
Processing Software: PixInsight
Taken from: Starfront Observatories, TX
Capture Dates: 23-28 October, 15, 20-24 November, 2024