The Rosette Nebula
Image Details:
This nebula is a bright and well-known target located to the West of Orion, making it best photographed in mid-Winter skies. Located 5,000 lightyears distant, this is an emission region of Hydrogen which is largely illuminated and irradiated by the central cluster of stars which was formed by the same nebula.
TS Optics 86mm Petzval (486mm Focal Length F/5.6)
ZWO ASI6200MM-P, Antlia Filters
Astrophysics Mach2GTO Mount
Autoguiding: Orion 50mm Guidescope + ZWO ASI178MM
Red, Green, Blue: 60, 67, 63x300” (Total: 15h 50m)
Hydrogen-Alpha 3nm: 98x300” (Total: 8h 10m)
Oxygen-III 3nm: 101x300” (Total: 8h 25m)
Misc Details:
Capture Software: N.I.N.A., PHD2 (guiding)
Processing Software: PixInsight
Taken from: Wichita, KS, Bortle 5
Capture Dates: 12-14, 17-19 February, 2024