Rolling Waves of Molecular Hydrogen
Image Details:
The Crescent nebula seen in the upper-left is the result of a Wolf-Rayet star energizing the matter it ejected ~300,000 years ago when it bloomed into a Red Dwarf star. The resulting shape is reminiscent of a brain or shell and is prominent due to the energies involved - the interstellar matter here even emits X-Rays due to the energies involved.
William Optics Star71-II Petzval APO (345mm Focal Length, F/4.9)
ZWO ASI1600MM-P, ZWO Filters
Celestron CGEM-II
Autoguiding: Orion 50mm Guidescope + ZWO ASI224MC
Red, Green, Blue: 63, 63, 63 x 120” (Total: 6h 18m)
Hydrogen-Alpha 7nm: 221 x 300” (Total: 18h 25m)
Misc Details:
Capture Software: AstrophotographyTool, PHD2 (guiding), Celestron CPWI (mount control), Pegasus Powerbox (dew heater control, power management)
Processing Software: PixInsight
Taken from: Wichita, KS, Bortle 4
Capture Dates: 27 August, 12, 26 September, 10 October 2020